History of the School

Like many Western pioneer towns, The Boomtown School started as a one-room schoolhouse with a single teacher and 11 students, ages ranging from 6 to 13.

The first year of operation was 1868, ten years in advance of the official incorporation of Boomtown. Until then, there were mostly men, few women and even fewer children, since at the time, our nameless town was essentially a gold mining camp. Children were taught by missionaries and mothers if they were taught at all.

Then a woman by the name of Lauren Order, concerned about the rate of illiteracy among children as well as adults, rallied the mining families and organized the first regular program of education. Classes lasted three hours per day in the morning and focused on the subjects of reading, writing and arithmetic. As the town grew, so did the school until the first building was constructed in 1899. Dubbed "The Boomtown School" it has remained in continual operation until today.

Continuing the Tradition

The Five R's: Reading wRiting, aRithmetic, Rocketry and Recycling, continue to be the cornerstone of The Boomtown School. Mastery of these essential basics are the foundation of a great education and enable each student to excel in all of life's pursuits. (See Educational Philosophy.)

The school has grown from its original class of 11 children to an average of 350 students in grades Preschool/Kindergarten through 8th. Graduation remains constant with 100% of all students moving on to attend high school in Stickville, home of the Fighting Slugs.



The Boomtown School, c.1902,
with Mrs. Ella Mentary
and her 32 students

Founding Teacher,
Miss Lauren Order
, c.1872