Hug-A-Slug Club
Booster Meeting...

Every Third Tuesday
7:30 pm
Hosted by Gladys Friday








Have you seen or heard something? Send your news report to [email protected]

Huge Snow Donut Nearly Flattens Lazy Gunderson

Feb. 12, 2008 - Lazy Gunderson has a reputation for being "accident prone", established after nearly 50 years of one near-disaster or another. In this case, Lazy decided to store some old truck tires at the top of "Slippery Slope", located in the northwest corner of his property. After a particularly heavy snowfall overnight, two of the tires fell from the stack and proceeded to roll down the hill, picking up layer after layer of snow as they rolled. Lazy was at the bottom of the hill watching some of the kids while they were sledding, and came very close to being flattened by the donut as it raced down the hill at an estimated speed of 70 miles per hour. Lazy thought it was rather stimulating, and so did the kids, who spent the remainder of the morning playing "Dodge the Snow Donut." No one was seriously injured.

Spring Fever Festival
Blasts Off!

Snow Castle Especially
Spectacular This Year

The kids of Boomtown, with the help of Cappy Trudeau and Fred Cotton, have outdone themselves again this year with a 2 story castle with turrets and a fighting platform. The snowball fights have been especially fierce! As always, the castle is scheduled for demolition on the first day of the Spring thaw, the official first day of the week-long Slush Olympics. Raymond Reynolds, proprietor of Reynold's Rope, is looking especially good this year for the Cross Country Slushathon and he plans to doggedly defend last year's championship. Ongoing snow activities include ice skating at Chang Park, sledding at Slippery Slope and the Snow Wars, hosted as always by Fred Cotton out at his place. Don't miss any of the fun!

Huge Tank Lands
in Corn Field

STICKVILLE TIMES, April 16, 2008 - Overnight, while the city of Boomtown slept, a tremendous blast shook the quiet village. Citizens reported hearing a loud "thump" at precisely 4:13 am in the morning. The tremor was felt as far away as Jeremiah Ames' farm southeast of town. Vernon Ernie, Boomtown's Sheriff, investigated immediately and discovered a massive crater, approximately 62 feet in diameter and 38 feet deep, in the center of Lazy Gunderson's corn field. The errant object appears to be a U.S. Army tank, possibly an M1 Abrams. Sheriff Ernie believes that the tank must have fallen from a military transport plane as it flew overhead on maneuvers. The U.S. Army has yet to provide comment.