Boomtown City

Meeting Every 3rd Wednesday
Boomtown Town Hall, Rm.4

Open to everyone!
Bring a snack.

To add an item to the upcoming
agenda, send your request to:
[email protected]

City Council Members

B.Z. "Busy" Gunderson, Chairman
Sipho Losotu, Secretary
Gus Odegaard, Jr., Treasurer
Burton Ernie, Mayor, ret.
Rev. Terrence Tinker, ret.
Anthony Bardelli
Helga Knutsen
Chong Yee
Nicolas Pitrakas
Salvador Hernandez


Boomtown Water Tower



Minutes of the Meeting
Held Aug. 20, 2009

In Attendance:
B.Z. Gunderson, Sipho Losotu, Gus Odegaard, Jr., Terrence Tinker, Tony Bardelli, Chong Yee, Nic Pitrakas, Sal Hernandez

Burton Ernie, Helga Knutsen

Reading of the Minutes:
Read by Sipho Losotu. Accepted unanimously.

Old Business:
Expanding the Boomtown Cemetary to incorporate the vacant plot of land directly across Nitro Street. Sipho Losotu was able to locate land deeds to the property in the archives of the Boomtown Museum. Ownership is registered to Kermit "Two Guns" Maynard, currently residing in the north end of the cemetery, near the oak tree, about six feet down. Tony Bardelli pointed out, "Considering that he has no living relatives, it seems only fitting that we make room for his dead ones." Proposal passed unanimously by voice vote. The new addition to the cemetary will be called "Maynard's Meadow".

New Business:
1. Newt O'Brien requested permission to expand his rocket launching pad by 20% and a variance on the noise ordinance allowing in excess of 140 dB during liftoff. Vote was unanimous with the proviso that Newt provide ear protection - and an open invitation to all comers on Launch Day.

2. Proposal to move the Port-a-Potties from the west to the east side of Farmer's Park due to prevailing winds. No discussion was necessary.

3. Tobias Nyborg, guest, suggested using the Boomtown Water Tower as a launching platform for fireworks during the annual Boomtown 4th of July celebration (see photo), similar to the traditional "blowing up of the Space Needle" in Seattle. His proposal was met with five minutes of sustained applause by all in attendance. Chong Yee, vice-president of Chang's Famous Fireworks Factory, volunteered to have his R&D department create a suitable spectacular for this coming July.